Tuesday, October 9, 2007

BOOK REVIEW: Sharing the Value of Sexual Purity

I've decided to include another passion of mine is this blog... reading. I would hope that all my visitors, when they aren't cooking, helping their friends or generally making the world a better place (the lazy way) would have their noses in a book. Reading is alot like wine - when you tell someone you like it they think you're more intelligent/wealthy/interesting/etc...

I thought I'd bring you up to date on a local author (Ohio born and bred), and educator, who has been entrusted to develop sexual health education curriculum for Ohio and several states (and Puerto Rico). I'd seen her name before, interviewed in the paper and such.

Anyhow, I found her book in a trash heap and since I don't like to waste, thought I would pick it up and give it a read. I've been wondering myself what the value of sexual purity was, ever since reading that there's no evidence whatsoever that teaching children christian morality effects the rates of STDs and pregnancy, or sexual activity among youths being taught abstinence. So, without further ado... the book review.

Sharing the Value of Sexual Purity
A Guide for Parents, Concerned Adults and Young People
by Catherine E. Wood

With a title like that you know this book will be full of enlightening information from a dedicated professional - well-versed in the facts and grounded in the reality of sex education.

Unfortunately it's written by a woman whose only credentials are 'Assistant Director of the Pregnancy Distress Center' billed as a Columbus, Ohio non-profit, it's actually a fly-by-night anti-abortion group based in Zanesville with an atrocious website. Mrs. Wood's other accomplishments include developing brochures and seminars for RSVP (Responsible Sexual Values Program - renamed since this book's publication as the Responsible Social Values Program) a similarly fly-by-night operation with absolutely no documentation, save for their creation of this 'educational program' generally disseminated by catholic charities and now distributed across the country with funds provided by President Bush. Interestingly Wood's only other accomplishment listed on the book jacket is "Founder and President of Treasured Values, Joy Inc." a questionable corporation that's most likely a beneficiary of Bush's largess, and a marriage that's produced children. With such a worldly and experienced writer I'm sure you're just as excited to dig into the contents of this book as I am.

Page no. 1 - Introduction (technically there's a page of acknowledgments first, but it really isn't necessary)

In the intro we really get a feel for Catherine Wood and her philosophy on sex, which is also god's philosophy apparently. It seems that as her son approached his 12th birthday Catherine was searching for a tangible symbol of marriage and sexual purity (might I suggest a ball and chain?) but lacking one, did some wishing praying and was granted the following:

"Sweetheart Treasures... three pendants which provide a visual representation of God's plan for marriage. A heart, a cross... and a heart" (Made in China)

The intro also stresses that the information contained in the various chapters (12 of 'em, crammed into 86 pages or less!) should only be shared with it's intended audience (remember the subtitle? children shan't have access to the 'concerned adults' section). It's funny, but the religious seem to be obsessed with control of information.

Chapter 1 - A Special Gift to Encourage Sexual Purity

First our esteemed author introduces us to her ingenious plan to dampen young people's sex drives... 14k gold-plated pendants! Then she shares her brilliant delivery methods (take them to a nice restaurant), who gets what (stressing the cross is for the man to bear) and how to end abstinence once married (have a jeweler join the heart and cross) ...

Chapter 2 - Who is Responsible?

I often ask myself this question... Who is responsible? According to Catherine Woods it was the 1960's! More specifically, it was the churches that used to control America, who then created flower children, who hid their pot-smoking and sex behind the abhorrent desire for "peace and contentment" HA! Catherine Woods laughs in the face of peace, frowns on contentment, and reminds us to fear hippies with this earth-shattering quote:
When a god-fearing nation becomes lax, even though it professes belief in god, satan steps in with ease to deceive.
Catherine Woods then proceeds to prepare her christian soldiers for war, for which "we must strategically train our children and prepare them to win." Kinda' gives you chills doesn't it?

After mis-quoting HIV infection rates (pg. 9 states 1,000,000 new HIV infections reported in 1990... actual data - estimated 1,000,000 HIV infected total in US in 1990) she then proceeds to MISQUOTE THE BIBLE! It isn't truly a misquote, merely a reinterpretation that's been worded to uphold Mrs. Woods specific views.... here's the quote from her book:
Acts 15:20 says: ...abstain from sexual immorality...

And here's the quote from the real Bible... well... as real as one can get with such things...
Acts 15:20 says: But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.
Hmm... things are starting to get interesting. Not because Mrs. Woods thinks she can rewrite the Bible (anyone is entitled to rewrite the damn thing)... but because she's attempting to deceive both her readers and herself. God specifically says no idols, no sex, and no blood. Since Catherine Wood has blood, 3 children (more details from the book jacket) and a television, she's already failed. But she has one more important lesson for us before this chapter's through!

What Parents Should Teach Their Children Concerning Sexuality... a checklist! Be sure to pay close attention to the "problems in our culture" listed as bullet points under no. 9... they are - sex outside marriage, sex and the media, date rape, pornography, abortion, contraception, homosexuality and masturbation....

Catherine Woods has, in one simple list, simplified life for all Americans. Now we can solve all the problems in our country... just get rid of things like the media and porno, date rape and those pesky homosexuals... Hmm, Catherine Woods is starting to sounds less like a 'concerned adult' and more like a certain historical leader with similar "problems".

Chapters 3 - 7 are written by pastors, saving Catherine Woods quite a large amount of time or fact-checking (which is easy when you're only relying on one book for the answers)...

These chapters all deal with a bunch of nonsense - except for the short section under the heading "For Fathers" which specifically addresses single moms. Pastor Forsythe is kind enough to remind us that god is "the father of the fatherless" and with a few simple prayers any single mother can succeed!

Tune in tomorrow, when I post the rest of the review!

1 comment:

Chox said...

That Zanesville website is, in itself, a total abortion.